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Approaching each day as a new adventure, loving life and my family, making art when I can.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Removing the obstacles, opening for the new.

My friend J just shared this out and as I sat watching, I couldn't help but desire to get a hold of lots of marigolds so I can do proper puja here at our home altar for Ganesha- but beyond that, I really desire to find a local temple where there may be celebration that I can visit. Ganesha and I have a good relationship, and if there is any time where I need his wisdom, joy and removal of obstacles, now would be it.

This morning as I drink my tea in prep for the busy day ahead, I think about the prepping that goes beyond this day to get us ready for Alchemy's arrival. Some would call this the "nesting" period, but for me its a bit beyond nesting a more stressing in some cases. While we have done a ton of basic stuff to prepare, it still feels like there is so much to do while I recognize that my time may be limited and that my body is not able to do all it could before. We measured the windows for curtains today- I have hope that we will at least be able to buy some for our bedroom where the baby and I will rest quite a bit in the first days. It's funny to think that after 2 years of living here, we have never gotten curtains, but that also makes me think about catalysts for action. Before now, while we would have loved curtains, they were not nearly as important to us as they are at this moment, so now we act. When I think about my life, I recognize that I have been in constant action towards this one goal for many years- my early desire to put my life in a place where I could have a baby shifted everything for me when I was 25. Now at 31, she is almost here. I don't regret a single day that has gone by, or a single hard moment I lived through or decision I have made that has gotten me to this exact place. I feel supremely blessed to be in this exact moment knowing that amazing beautiful days beyond this one are about to unfold with me, and my family will expand with my heart and love. I can't wait to share the days with not only Grant by also Alchemy.

Even as I think about the beauty in all that, I still recognize the little tasks that need doing- omigods, how am I possibly going to get the bathroom as clean as I need it to be? My mom thankfully is coming to stay with me for a while, but the usual prep of my art/guest room will not be sufficient to house her for longer term, so I need to get that ready as well. My brain is trying to find a way to balance the to-do list I create with the desire to stop, be still and rest- knowing that these are my final days to get that really deep sleep, to sit in the quiet before my whole world as I know it changes- for the good, but changes none the less.

Maybe Ganesha will bless me with someone who likes to clean and organize houses!

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