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Approaching each day as a new adventure, loving life and my family, making art when I can.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Morphing Mind and Body

Every time I look in the mirror, I am surprised by my reflection. Where once I had a beautiful big belly, I now have..something foreign to me. I miss my pregnant belly and I barely remember what I looked like before pregnancy. I took so much care during it to keep from getting stretch marks- I had the perfect belly, until now.

Now, I am amazed at how thin I already am. True, I still have a bit more belly than I normally would have, but it seems to lessen each day. Unfortunately, I didn't know that I was allergic to adhesives, but I will never forget again. When the day came in the hospital to take my shower and get my bandages wet to be removed, I noticed a rash all over my stomach where the big surgical guard was and when we removed the bandage to finally see my incision, I had blisters everywhere the adhesive tape was touching. So now, my stomach looks like a Frankenstein-stomach. The rash is healing with time and cortisone, but is still dark discoloring to my skin that I hope will fade. The blisters are bursting and healing slowly as well. Even though I have used adhesive remover several times since, there are still sticky places on my body. My incision seems to be healing well from what I can tell, hopefully when all is said and done, it will be my only scar and once healed may not look like much.

When I wonder where my belly went and how I changed so much, I just look down at my gorgeous daughter and remember- these are my wounds of honor for being blessed with her.

Location:Austin, TX

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